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A maiden attempt at Screenplay Writing

                                BRD (Biscuit Rendering Document)



                             A Short Film on Information Security

First Draft
May 25, 2011; Mcity, Chennai.

Infosys Technologies
Main Gate Entrance
                                                              V.O and CRAWL\

Mark Twain's ideal life has only three components: "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience."

Infosys borrowed this dogma and rephrased it as “The softest pillow is a clear conscience”.

There are a lot of delicately interwoven Rules for security of speech, deed, information etc that every Infoscion is entitled to and ideally everyone would vouch for it. But in reality let’s see how we have got the real essence of the principle.

BRD_V1.0(CRAWL Typewriter)




RAM stops at main gate entrance on his bike (helmet on the rear view mirror).


                 Sir! Display your ID card
                 (RAM displays ID card)

                 Ok Sir! Wear your helmet Sir.

               (Beat)(RAM wears helmet with a frown)
                Everything is recorded in the Camera Sir(pointing towards surveillance Camera)CAMERA ELEVATION from behind RAM

(RAM Starts and as he drives towards parking lot).Get your BAG checked at bus bay Sir!!

(RAM removes helmet as he crosses the surveillance camera nonchalantly)-CAMERA PANNING SHOT

                                                       CUT TO:


(RAM greets the security and swipes in to enter the ODC)
                               (Startled by the unusual ambience stops at First Cubicle)

Hey VIGNESH!!!Wassup Bro..Someone lost something? Or there is some Fire Drill Going on
b.g(People standing up in corridors. Leads explaining something seriously to respective teams)
                 Ya man.Kinda drill only. Our ringmaster’s are coming...So our Leads are playing Devil’s advocate (with a wink and wry smile)...I thought you already knew. What Sir weekend Hangover?(Brows up and jerks RAMS shoulder)

(Both are near Printer.RAM with a hand on PRINTER)

                                      RAM      INSERT SHOT
               Oh.Yeah!!!Client Visit right?(looking at his watch)


Ya….Just look around…everyone is mugging up answers for the probable questions….But it’s not possible that the client is goanna ask questions that we have prepared for!!!:(
                               RAM     (Dolly Shot)
                         (Psyched up)

Thanks for reminding buddy. Fingers crossed…Hope we can pull it through!!!
(Darting towards his cube adjacent to RAPS (manager) cube)


(RAM crosses 10 cubes to reach manager’s cubicle. On the way as he passes each cube he hears random words of each SA&A policy. Need to give random but valid words about each policy as voice over. Taken care of while re-recording. Shot establishes that RAM theoretically has a fair idea on Information Security)

After crossing the 10th cube RAM shakes his head and says

10 commandments!!!!Phew (blows his hair up)

INT: RAPS CUBICLE—DAY CONTINUOUS                                 POV SHOT

(Before RAM enters his cube)
       RAM!!!Could you come over for a moment!!!
Sure. Yes RAPS. Tell me (looking or pretending concerned)
                  (With real concern. Leaning forward)
I need a help from you. Will you be able to brainstorm our team on the SA&A. (beat)
I hope people take the SAQs and go through the usual mailers and the SA rules. But I want you to highlight the key points that the Client would expect us to comply with and the significance of the same at account\IBU level. Man!! Am really running out of time. Will you be able to handle this?

Sure RAPS. That shouldn’t be a problem. Has Jean (the client) arrived?

            (Standing up to move out locking his LAPTOP and ready to leave)
They should be checking in any time. Am going to the lobby to receive them. You take care of your team!!!(Moves out)
(Giving way and moving out with RAPS. Mood: thinking)
Hi guys!!!!(beat) (Team stops abruptly and turns back)
Shall we catch-up for few minutes? (Rumbles, murmurs, moving chairs. Team assembles at RAMS cube)
[This portion can be in Tamil….subjected to colloquial discussion]
Am sorry dude!! You ve mistakenJ.Leave your notepads, pens at your cube. I swear am not goanna bore you. We’re just going to discuss…no rocket scienceJ (Team laughs…becomes relaxed….team comprising of freshers)
[A brainstorming on random topics like Internet usage on local and remote machine, brush up on do’s and don’ts like sharing password of licensed software, locking system, usage of mobile, wearing ID cards and not using unwarranted s/w or visit unwarranted sites\proxies]     

                        ANONYMOUS(voice)(Asks Question)
RAM but…..

                        RAM   (Mockingly)

Common Arun!!What is it?

But there are times that we share our credentials since all of us don’t have the access?
We have been doing it on a regular basis. Is that a violation?

Glad that you asked this question to me rather than the client
Client is not a Pope for you to confess all that(Team laughs) No, I was just kidding!!!Yes we are managing things internally like that. Since we can’t afford to buy license for everyone, considering the turnaround time and tracking efforts required in getting things done. But fair enough that we manage to save considerable amount of time and money doing that after all that’s what the customer brings a smile across the Customer’s Face. We call it Customer Delight ;)( Winks)
Any other questions? I think we can wind it up guys. Just be polite and casual if you get to be questioned.(beat)(when people are about to leave)
And a general word of caution. Do not charge your mobiles, iPods using USBs and do not leave your earphones plugged to your system till the Client Visit is over. They might get it wrong (twitching lips)

                                          JUMP CUT TO:
[RAPS and JEAN come in discussing about Chennai weather (goanna project client as an Indian Settled abroad so that we can justify that he has not had anything spicy for a long time. So asks out to go for dhaba) and about Mcity premises till they reach A Wing]
[RAM standing outside at the corridor with a cup of tea. Looking at the Client near ODC he empties the cup and moves towards the Wing
RAM sees RAPS asking Security to swipe in for the CLIENT. RAPS let him in and then swipes to get in. He goes in explaining the importance of using proper access cards.]
                                                            INTER-CUT TO
[RAM thinks of how his friends tailgate to take him for break or dinner(we can give a cue here by showing how his friend tailgates to come in to take him for dinner on Friday, the day he took print out.
We can show till his friend coming in and taking him for dinner in a hurry and RAM says ”Just a moment da. One small work and the shot cuts there.]
[After RAPS and JEAN are few paces inside.RAM swipes in]

INT:B5 Ist Floor A Wing                               MONTAGE\2-3 INTERCUTS

We can either elaborate on this scene like 2 or 3 instances where client randomly slips in to conversation and the talk on sensitive things sharing information about client and use INTER-CUTS where RAM thinks of actual occurrences like the Tail-gating incidents.
We can shoot them as MONTAGES with BGM, and RAM thinking of actual occurrences of the entire client visit- Introduction, discussion, Question and Answers…pleasantries shared, team pictures, client leaves happily

                                                      MATCH CUT TO:

The kind of things you do to keep Information Security intact is really commendable.

Boasts\Yaps about Infosys adherence to process blah…blah(dialogues needs to be phrased)
[Acknowledges by nodding. But not totally convinced]

Stops at Domino’s suggestively…

Common yaar. Am bored with this stuff. Is there any Dhaba here? Long time since I had spicy stuff and I badly need a smoke
                                                      MATCH CUT TO:

[While lighting Cigar Jean’s eyes light up on seeing BRDs hanging there as tissue papers for serving biscuits-----RAM needs to improvise on this portion]

                                                      SPLIT SCREEN SHOT:

We show what happened since RAM left with friend in a hurry and came near printer to take BRD. Talks about it to his friend. Cracks jokes and goes to the same Pettishop after dinner for cool drink and leaves the BRD by mistake.
Since the weekend passed the shopkeeper uses it as biscuit paper. On the right side of the screen we show what Jean does with the document.

                                                      FREEZE FRAME SHOTS

                  RAPS and JEANS Expressions
                                                            ROLL (The opening lines again)

I think they got all Mark Twain Wrong “A sleepy Conscience or a Soft pillow doesn’t mean putting our conscience to sleep”

As a result Business Requirement Document became Biscuit Rendering Document (or) Scrapbook which resulted in scrapping of the account. [RAM---need improvisation on the spot]

P.S: This was my maiden attempt at screenplay writing for a short film on Information Security.  


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