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Showing posts from March, 2013

A maiden attempt at Screenplay Writing

                                 BRD (Biscuit Rendering Document)                                           By                                         Horizonians                              A Short Film on Information Security First Draft May 25, 2011; Mcity, Chennai. Infosys Technologies Main Gate Entrance  ...

This is how I kept myself awake on Shiv rathri

 My friend in Pune and I had decided to try and keep ourselves awake on Maha Shiv Rathri....we spoke of different ideas which eventually led us in to this... WARNING: Read only if you are bored to death! Me: Mood Swings and Girls is a chapter... That No one canEver Master.. Cos It swings so much faster.. Than a pulsating roller coaster:)... Her... But Then... It might be to avoid some DISASTER:).. Me: Thoughts Just Flash as in a bolster.. It is just enought to turn a meek into Monster...!! Her: Everyone here is an actor.. Whats Right..Whats not will be determined by a factor:).. Me: It is always calm after a disaster If you dare ro mince matters any..U will see yourself in plaster:P Her: AT THE END.. By getting hurt..U will learn to heal.. You will open your heart and start to feel:):) Me: You are the Yin ..I am the Yang.. Ppl will remember whenever this poem is sang:) Her: All you will remember is our gang.. Memories is where we all will Hang:):) Me: I sent you just the sensore...